Editor's Note, Volume 14, Issue 2, Spring 2024

Dear Readers of Sephardic Horizons,

Volume 14, Issue 2 brings in the spring; it is a particularly rich issue with four articles addressing different aspects of the extensive Sephardic world, several distinctive contributions in Ladino, and seven book reviews that reflect upon the growth of publishing on Sephardic topics.

Two of the engaging articles delve into the many strands of Sephardic history. John Sears writes about the involvement of first-lady Eleanor Roosevelt in affairs in Morocco in and around the time of World War II. A family of scholars is the focus of Marvin Heller's most recent essay on publishing in the Sephardic world. Leonard Stein brings to our attention the history of the practices of three Sephardic American female poets including the well-known Emma Lazarus. Nancy Saporta Sternbach shares a backward glance at her delightful family history. Fascination with Ladino, her ancestral language, led her to Spain and a career as a professor of Spanish language.

In the Ladino/Judeo-Spanish section, Gloria Ascher introduces her English translation of a recently published Ladino memoir. Her work contextualizes a story set in Post WWI. Israeli poet and author Asher Amado offers thoughts in verse on the unforgettable events of October 7, 2024, for all to reflect upon. Finally, the section is closed with two essays that were part of the 2023 Ladino essay competition, or konkurso de kompozision, organized by Ladinokomunita. The top three texts chosen from twenty-three note-worthy submissions have been published in El Amaneser, eSefarad, and Ladinokomunita. The competition was the main topic of a Zoom meeting among Ladinokomunita members, Enkontros de Alhad on February 11, 2023.

Sephardic Horizons is honored to publish the works of select high scorers that deserve to be published, thanks to Rachel Amado Bortnick. Two are included here and more will appear in the next few issues of the journal.

Reviews of recent books reflect the breadth of the Sephardic world over time. Included are a book of essays about growing up Jewish in the Muslim Mediterranean, reviewed by Ruth Ohayan; several memoirs including one of Zina Abraham written by her daughter (an interview with Mrs. Abraham appeared in Volume 12, Issue 1, 2022 of Sephardic Horizons); Jessica Carr’s review of a recent book about films from Israel; the impact of WWII on Italian Jewry, and many more including a new family Haggadah.

Many thanks to Judith Roumani, editor, for her guidance and oversight, and to Altan Gabbay for his devoted work as webmaster, as well as to all our talented contributors.

Happy reading from the team at Sephardic Horizons, Judith Roumani (editor), Annette B.Fromm (associate editor/review editor), and Altan Gabbay.

As my family is from Ioannina, Greece, I wish you all a Χρόνια Πολλά, many years of good health and prosperity to all our readers!

Keridos meldadores, dear readers, if you read and appreciate our articles and reviews, please do consider sending us a donation, however small, to support the expenses (website, editing, purchasing books) of Sephardic Horizons. All contributions are used to maximum effect for the purposes of our journal.

Annette B. Fromm, Associate Editor of Sephardic Horizons

Copyright by Sephardic Horizons, all rights reserved. ISSN Number 2158-1800